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Hi there! We have been using wipes as an effective means to keep clean for a long time. It works really well for freshen up and ready to go on the run. But did you know about, Individually Packaged Flushable Wipes? Here is how they look like Closer Look on these Wipes and Why you need Them

These are really handy for anyone who is on the go because they come like this, individually wrapped and in a pack of TOILET FLUSHABLE wipes. They are compact and small in size to carry around everywhere i.e. purse, handbag or even your pocket. That means any time you may need to freshen up or clean yourself, one of these wipes is right at your fingertips. They are incredibly handy as well for when you do not have counter access to soap and water (think at the park, on a plane, running errands).

    Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable Materials for Earth Friendly Hygiene

    Most of us are very environmental-focused and wish to use products that do not harm the planet. The single-use wet wipes are manufactured from something good for the land. What this refers to is that the pads and liners are biodegradably designed so you can safely flush them down the toilet without irritatingly escaping into our water streams. These eco friendly products help us contribute to keep the planet clean and healthy for all of us.

    Why choose Anxzn individually packaged flushable wipes?

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